I got a much welcomed surprise while watching UFN last night. A commercial came on with Royce Gracie introducing MMA back to NC with an organization called Carolina Fight Promotions.
I'm so stoked for this, it's not the UFC of course but it's going to be great to go to a live event right in my hometown of Raleigh, NC. My wife and I are buying ringside tickets and hopefully they will let us take some pics and maybe a little video.
Not to mention the fact that they sometimes schedule UFC fighters to make special appearances. CFP's first fight will be April 26th in the Dorton Arena at the NC State Fairgrounds. Of course I'll report on as much of the event as I can.
Carolina Fight Promotions was instrumental in getting MMA legalized in NC again, here is a statement form their website regarding their efforts:
"Carolina Fight Promotions was successful in helping the law makers of our state to see the positive impact of MMA on our state's economy. As a result, in December 2007, Governor Easley signed a bill that allows Mixed Martial Arts back to North Carolina. We are now poised for the explosive growth of this sport in our state.
Carolina Fight Promotions Inc. was the sole sponsor of the bill getting mixed martial arts allowed in North Carolina. It took over 2 years of dedicated efforts for this successful outcome. Our law makers voted unanimously recognizing the undeniable revenue and economic value of MMA sport events."
If that wasn't exciting enough there is also a 2nd promotion that will be putting on fights called: Ruckus In The Cage They will be holding an event in Raleigh on May 24th which I also plan to attend.
Here is a sample from one of their fights on 2-9-08
Now, if we can just get the UFC to come here....
(MMA Fanatic)
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Banned for 14 Years MMA Returns to North Carolina
Posted by
4:09 PM
Labels: Carolina Fight Promotions, MMA, Raleigh, Ruckus In The Cage
Irvin Ties for Fastest UFC Knock Out in Controversial Decision.
James Irvin knocked out highly touted and heavy handed Houston Alexander in just 8 seconds at last nights Ultimate Fight Night. Irvin opened up immediately with a right that folded Alexander and sent him to the mat, Irvin followed up with two more hard shots and Steve Mazzagatti quickly called an end to the fight.
Alexander popped right up and protested the call but you can clearly see Houston's arms locked straight in the air because his brain got rocked and he was making no attempt to defend himself. I can understand his anger, it must be frustrating as hell to train so hard and get finished in 8 seconds but fighter safety must come first.
All in all it was a great card and I would have been happy even if it had been a PPV. Big props to Nick Diaz and Matt Hamill both guys are tough as hell and never give up. And how about that split lip Hamill had! Yikes! He'll carry the scar from that fight for the rest of his life.
But boy do I feel bad for "Farm Boy" Tommy Speer, talk about deer in the headlights. Anthony Johnson just put a whoopin on Tommy and left him slumped out cold against the cage... not flattering at all. I think Tommy needs to head back to farm because he just doesn't have what it takes to compete with the big boys.
(MMA Fanatic)
Posted by
1:35 PM
Labels: Anthony Johnson, Houston Alexander, James Irvin, Matt Hamill, Nick Diaz, Tommy Speer, UFC, Ultimate Fight Night